Sailing Towards Success: COEAS’ path to preserve their invaluable forest

...It’s the key that will open many doors for us to continue the protection of our common home. —Manuel García, COEAS

The members of the ecological committee of the Aldea of Suyapa (COEAS), have many things in common, such as solidarity, empathy and passion, but above all, there is something that unites them: the love for nature. COEAS has developed with national and international recognition and support, as they fight to improve the livelihoods of the community and conserve the local fauna and 3000 acres of forest, source of water for the local population.

The committee is not alone in their struggle, they are joined by many volunteers that come to their reforestation campaign every year. Hundreds of Hondurans and foreigners, from children to elders, parade through the mountain and contribute to the protection of what they dream will one day be declared the Suyapa Wildlife Refuge (RVSS)

However, the group has reflected and understood that this is not enough. They are at a key moment in their history to grow as an organization, and to ensure that their efforts don’t weaken over time. Because of that, with the support of Trees, Water & People (TWP), they embarked on a journey to improve their internal governance and strengthen their institutional capacities. Five months later, they have completed their first Institutional Strategic Plan (2023-2028) that delineates a clear route for the coming years.

Aware of this great step, Tania Erazo and Manuel García, members of the committee, tell us that: "The Institutional Strategic Plan is the tool that comes to strengthen the Ecological Committee, it is the key that will open many doors for us to continue with the protection of our common home" and also "We firmly believe in this work, it is essential to organize ourselves to continue protecting this vital space (water, forest, flora and fauna) for current and future generations of the Central District and the world."

Now the wind is in favor of this ship, led by a brave, committed, and empowered crew. Their organizational culture enables COEAS to enhance their decision-making processes, ensuring success in their coming endeavors.


In memory of a hero


Stories of Hope and Adversity